Campus Security Safety Information

1) Security Officers are finding vehicles left unlocked around our campus with personal property lying in plain sight. Make sure your vehicle is secured and do not leave your personal property lying in plain view. Also, please secure your room or office door if unoccupied.  If you must keep your wallet, purse, currency or medication in your room or office, please secure this property in a lockbox or a locked desk drawer or file drawer. After unlocking your door always remove your key(s) and do not leave them hanging in the door lock. All first floor residence hall windows should be secured at all times.

2) Your calls to Security reporting suspicious person(s) or vehicle(s) assist us greatly and we thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Don’t forget to get a tag number and vehicle description if possible.

3) Please be cautious while walking around our main campus and the Cloverdale Campus after dark. Avoid walking alone, especially after dark. You can contact Security twenty-four hours a day for an escort by dialing (334) 324-6565.

4) If you haven’t registered your vehicle with Security, you need to do so in order to avoid being issued a citation or having a boot placed on your vehicle. If you come to the Security office, located in Wilson 112, and no one is in the office, you can call Security at (334) 324-6565.

5) The speed limit around campus is fifteen (15) miles per hour.Please obey the speed limit while operating a vehicle on our campus. Use caution when backing out of a parking spaces and when entering or exiting a parking lot.

6) As you know, our Cloverdale neighbors surround our campus. Please respect them and their property by not playing loud music in the parking lots late at night or driving recklessly up and down the side streets (especially vehicles or motorcycles with loud mufflers). Do not litter. There are plenty of trashcans around campus and, with your help, this will greatly reduce the work of our college staff in addition to keeping our campus looking its best.

7) Students are discouraged from parking on city streets since this is not our property. We ask that you park your vehicle in your designated campus lot. If you do park your vehicle on a city street, it is more likely to be vandalized, burglarized or struck by another vehicle. Parking on a city street, along a yellow curb is illegal. Your vehicle is subject to be ticketed and/or towed by the Montgomery Police Department if you park on a yellow curb.

8) There is a crosswalk with red blinking caution lights for our students walking to and from Cloverdale at the intersection of Fairview Avenue and Bankhead Avenue. When using this crosswalk, you must push the red button on the pole to activate the blinking lights, and you must look both ways before crossing. Do not assume that a vehicle will stop just because you have the right-of-way. Signs are in place to alert vehicles to stop when lights are flashing, but be alert, as some vehicles do not adhere to the signs.

9) If your decal holder has been damaged by heat from the sun, etc., bring it to the Security office so it can be replaced. Failure to properly display your decal will result in you being issued a citation.

10) Parking on the grass at either campus is prohibited unless authorized by the Chief of Security. Any vehicle parked on the grass without permission is subject to be ticketed and towed at the owner’s expense.

11) If you continue to violate the parking rules and regulations on our campuses you may lose your privilege of having a vehicle on campus, and your vehicle is subject to  being towed at your expense. Register your vehicle with Security and park your vehicle in your designated area.

12) Do not climb or jump over the campus gates or fencing to avoid property or personal injury. If you need a gate unlocked, contact Security.

13) If you operate a vehicle on Fairview Avenue or College Street you should adhere to the speed limit in order to avoid being issued a citation by the Montgomery Police Department. These two streets are closely monitored by MPD officers.

14) Students may park their vehicles in the parking spaces along Fairview Avenue and Boultier Street while attending classes, etc. at Cloverdale. Student parking is not allowed on Navarro Street as per the City of Montgomery. Reserved spaces on Navarro Street are restricted for Pro-Impact patients only. Citations will be issued to violators, and unauthorized vehicles are subject to be towed at the driver’s or owner’s expense.  If you park your vehicle on Navarro Street, you will be parked illegally and your vehicle is subject to be towed by the Montgomery Police Department. The parking spaces behind the gates and between the Weil Center and Cloverdale and the Wilson Gym and Cloverdale are reserved for Faculty, Staff and Handicapped parking.

15) You are welcome to stop by the Security office in Wilson (112) and pick up a list of Safety Tips and Security Reminders.

16) When the power goes out, the office telephones do not work. You can contact Security from your cell phone by dialing 334-324-6565 in case of power outage.

17) Just a reminder that both campuses are SMOKE FREE.

18) You are not permitted to use the campus green as a driving range or putting course.

19) You will observe vehicles around our campus with the letters DTA security affixed to the sides of the front doors of these vehicles. Persons dressed in a security uniform operate these vehicles. These officers use the Wilson building as their meeting place during shift change and for their breaks. A local security company employs these officers, and they patrol residences in the Cloverdale neighborhood seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day as a deterrent to potential criminals. These officers also ride through our parking lots, and they assist our department as needed. We have direct contact with these officers. If you ever have a complaint about one of these officers, you need to notify me as soon as possible.

20) Please do not ride in the back on a pick-up truck.  Your safety is very important to us.


When the tornado siren is activated, everyone should seek shelter immediately to ensure safety. Refer to maps of main campus and Cloverdale campus. Listed below are the locations of safe places to go or be during a tornado warning.

  • If you are inside the Wilson Building, you should remain in the building and proceed immediately to the first floor, sit against the walls of the building and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Russell Dining Hall, you should proceed to the long hallway of the Dining Hall.
  • If you are inside the Maintenance Shop, you should proceed immediately to the Pratt Basement and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Pratt Hall, you should remain in the building and proceed to the 1st floor hallway and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Jackson Home, you should remain in the building and proceed to the Basement and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Searcy Hall, you should remain in the building and proceed to the Searcy Basement and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Blount Hall, you should remain in the building and proceed to the first floor, sit against the walls of the building (east and west wings) and stay away from windows.
  • If you are in Bellingrath Hall, you should remain in the building and proceed immediately to the basement at this location and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Flowers Hall, you should remain in the building and proceed to the basement of this building (east and west wings) or sit along the first floor hallway and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Smith Building, you should remain in the building and proceed to first floor hallway and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Houghton Library, you should remain in the building and proceed to the basement of this location and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside The Hut, you should remain inside the building and proceed to the basement where the Coffee House is located and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Roland Student Center, you should remain in the building and proceed to the basement of this location and stay away from windows.
  • If you are inside Ligon Hall, you should remain in the building and proceed to the first floor hallway of this location and stay away from windows.
  • If you are on the Baseball field, you should proceed to Roland basement and stay away from windows.
  • If you are on the Tennis courts, you should proceed to the Roland basement or first floor of Ligon Hall and sit along the wall of the first floor and stay away from windows.
  • If you are on the Soccer field, you should proceed to Ligon Hall and sit along the wall of the first floor and stay away from windows.
  • If you are at the President’s Home, you should remain in the building and proceed to the first floor and sit along the walls and stay away from windows.
  • If you are at the Wilson Gym, you should proceed to the basement and stay away from windows.
  • If you are on the football field, you should proceed to the Wilson Gym basement or the Football Field House and stay away from windows.
  • If you are at the Football Field House, you should remain at this location and sit along the walls and stay away from windows.
  • If you are at the main building of Cloverdale, you should remain in the building and go to the first floor hallway and sit along the walls and stay away from windows.
  • If you are at the Weil Center, you should remain in the building and proceed to the hallways and sit along the walls and stay away from windows.
  • If you are at Wrestling Complex or Pro-Impact at Cloverdale, you should sit along the walls and stay away from windows.
  • If you are walking around the main campus or the Cloverdale Campus, you should seek shelter immediately at any one of the above named locations and stay away from windows.
  • If you are in the Trimble Apartment Building, seek shelter on the first floor hallway.
  • If you are inside one of the college owned houses, go to the inside hallway or bathroom and stay away from windows.

You should remain at your location until Security or their designee gives the all clear. Let’s all do our part to make sure that everyone is safe. Security cannot be everywhere at once. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

22) If the elevators at Blount Hall, Bellingrath Hall, or the Library were to malfunction, contact Security immediately. The elevator phone button should only be activated when you are trapped inside due to a mechanical problem, etc. Rendering a false alarm is a crime.

23) I would like to caution everyone about getting into a confrontation with others. This type of behavior could lead to serious physical injuries not only to you, but also to others. Whenever someone approaches you and you believe that a confrontation may occur, just turn around and walk away and contact Security immediately. Do not jeopardize your safety and the safety of others. Contact Security immediately at (334) 324-6565.

24) The campus gates are secured daily between 10:30 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. and are unlocked each morning between 5:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. Exceptions to this may occur on holidays or at times deemed appropriate. Anyone observed driving his/her vehicle around the locked gates will be dealt with accordingly.  The campus gates located at the main entrance of the college are secured daily at 5:30 p.m. and are unlocked each morning between 5:00 and 5:30. 

25) Just a reminder: DO NOT PARK IN THE FIRE LANES. Vehicles that are parked in the fire lanes will be issued a citation ($50.00) and are subject to be towed at the owner’s expense.

26) I want to remind everyone that a visitor in any residence hall must be escorted at all times by the person he/she is visiting while inside the residence hall. Do not let persons into the residence halls as you are entering or exiting unless you know that he/she resides there. If you observe a suspicious person(s) hanging around the entrance door of any residence hall or if you observe a suspicious person(s) walking around inside any residence hall, contact Security immediately at 334-324-6565 or notify your RA or RD immediately.

27) You will notice that we have bicycle racks around our campus. The racks are located at the rear of Flowers Hall, rear of Smith Hall, rear of Wilson, and in front of the Library. Make sure that you secure your bike when left unattended.

28) To avoid causing damage to other vehicles such as dents and scratches, use caution while exiting, loading, or unloading your vehicle. If you cause damage to someone’s vehicle, report this matter to Security. Also, if your vehicle is equipped with a trailer hitch, we ask that you remove the receiver to prevent damage to other vehicles when backing up.

29) Our neighbors who reside on College Court have asked that our faculty, staff and students refrain from parking on this small dead end street because it is very difficult for the residents to maneuver their vehicle in and out of their driveways. It is also very difficult for them to enter or exit off of Fairview Avenue. I would ask that you respect the wishes of the residents residing on College Court and that you park your vehicle in the parking lots on our campus.

30) The parking spaces in front of Flowers Hall, Bellingrath Hall and Pratt Hall are reserved for guest parking only. The parking spaces painted yellow in the Smith lot are for Faculty only and the white spaces in this lot are reserved for our commuter and College Court resident students. The parking spaces painted yellow around Roland Student Center are reserved for both Faculty and Staff.

31) Weapons are prohibited on Huntingdon College property. As we approach hunting season, this is an important reminder about the possession of weapons on campus. Students are not allowed to possess a weapon or ammunition on school property. This includes but is not limited to your residence room, vehicle, etc. Only law enforcement personnel are allowed to have a weapon on campus. Violation of this policy could result in expulsion from this institution. Please refer to your Student Handbook for a list of items that are considered to be weapons.

32) There are certain areas in and around Montgomery that you should refrain from going after dark. If you need more information on these areas, please come by the Security Office and speak to Chief Ward.

33) Hoverboards are not allowed on the Huntingdon College Campus due to fire concerns and operator safety. Hoverboards include but are not limited to self-balancing scooters, battery operated scooters, hands free segways and electric powered skateboards.

34) Frequently, Huntingdon College contracts with the Montgomery Police Department and the Montgomery Sheriff’s Office to help patrol our campus and assist as needed. Huntingdon contracts with these agencies to help provide the necessary security as needed for our campus. These officers may be in marked or unmarked patrol units, but the officers will be in their respective uniforms. Additional security officers, both armed and unarmed, have been hired to better serve our college community. Huntingdon has contracted with a private security company to assist our armed security officers in overseeing the vehicles in our parking lots at night. These unarmed security officers are in uniform.

35) I strongly recommend that you inscribe identity marks on your property, especially game consoles, controllers, etc.

36) Any time that you have a complaint or concern about a security officer, I ask that you come speak with me so that I may look into your complaint and we can address any concerns appropriately.

Let’s all do our part to make sure we maintain a clean campus and keep our campus as crime-free as possible. If you ever need to contact me, feel free to do so. If I am not in the Security Office located at Wilson 112, you can call me on my cell at (334) 833-4261 or (334) 300-8917 or you can contact Security at (334) 324-6565 and ask the officer to locate me. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need to speak with me.

Chief Mike Ward, Sr.
Huntingdon College Chief of Security

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